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Young Ninja Group (ages 3-5)


Where To Buy Empty Medicine Bottles UPDATED

Matthew 25: Ministries accepts donations of empty plastic pill bottles for inclusion in shipments of medical supplies. Our pill bottle program fulfills the dual needs of improving medical care in developing countries and caring for our environment.

where to buy empty medicine bottles


Let's hear it for better living through pharmaceuticals. Prescriptions, I mean. There are drugs for lowering your blood pressure, lowering your cholesterol, reducing inflammation, blocking betas and curing that nasty rash you got last summer. When you find yourself on "maintenance" medications, however, such as blood pressure medicine or asthma medications, you could be looking at getting a periodic regular influx of prescription bottles.

Any old medicines should be discarded properly by taking them to the nearest pharmacy that has a medicine disposal program. (Please don't flush them down the toilet or throw them in the garbage.) Then, clean your prescription bottles and caps thoroughly using soap and hot water. Once dry, your bottles are ready for use.

(34) Toll Container - You know where you have to go and what sort of tolls you'll encounter. Keep a prescription bottle filled with the appropriate amount of coins or bills and you're set. Keep it in the glove box or the side pocket so a thief doesn't break into your car for the money - or thinking that it's prescription medicine.

(66) Aquarium - Saltwater aquariums need salt. To save money, I buy aquarium salt in 5 gallon buckets, but in the time it takes to use that much salt, it would harden due to moisture, leaving a large hard rock of salt that I couldn't use. I remedied this situation by making lots of holes in the sides of a prescription bottle and filling it with the little thimble-sized canisters of silica gel that came in my medicine bottles to keep my medicine dry. This, essentially, became a huge silica gel canister. I keep it in my 5 gallon container of salt and haven't had problems with moisture since, even though I store the salt in my bathroom and sometimes dip out salt while my hands are wet.

Aluminum cans: Clean, empty aluminum cans and bottles used for drinks or food such as soda, soup and canned cat food. These items are accepted recyclables and included in Recycle Right - the Simple 5 list.Aseptic containers: Polycoated drink boxes, juice cartons and milk cartons are accepted recyclables and included in Recycle Right - the Simple 5 list.

Magazines and mixed paper: Newspapers, magazines, catalogs, telephone books, printer paper, copier paper, mail and all other office paper without wax liners are accepted recyclables and included in Recycle Right - the Simple 5 list.Medicine bottles, empty: Plastic medicine bottles, e.g. prescription medicine and aspirin bottles are not accepted recyclables and should be discarded with your household trash if bottles are empty. Loose medication should not be flushed down the toilet as this can harm the environment. Keep pills in the original container, add water or soda to contaminate contents so they are unusable, wrap in old newspaper and discard with your household trash.Motor oil: Motor oil should not go in your recycle cart or your trash bin. Take used motor oil to a Home Chemical Collection Center or the Golden Glades, Moody Drive, North Dade, Snapper Creek or South Miami Heights Neighborhood Trash and Recycling Centers.

Packing materials: Polystyrene foam, "peanuts" or bubble wrap. These materials are not accepted recyclables. You can throw these items in the trash.Tip: Reuse or donate to a friend or mailing store. Paint, oil or latex: Paint is toxic and should not be thrown in the recycling cart or the trash bin. Bring unused or old paint to a Home Chemical Collection Center for proper disposal. Empty cans can be disposed of safely in the trash.Tip: The Home Chemical Collection Center offers free chemicals and paint at both locations - West Dade Center and South Dade Center.Paper and paperboard: Dry, single-layer paper such as newspapers, magazines, cataologs, telephone books, printer paper, copier paper, mail and other office paper without wax liners; and paper packaging such as cereal boxes, cracker boxes, tissue boxes, gift boxes, shoe boxes, paper egg cartons and empty paper towel or toilet paper rolls are accepted recyclables and included in Recycle Right - the Simple 5 list.Paper shopping bags: Empty, dry, brown paper bags are accepted recyclables.Tip: bring your own bag to do your grocery, clothing and pharmacy shopping.Phone books: While phone books are becoming a thing of the past, some people still receive them. Phone books are accepted recyclables. Remove plastic wrap or bag first before putting it in the recycling cart.Tip: Opt out of receiving phone directories in the future at boxes: Pizza boxes are not accepted recyclables and should be placed in trash bin. Even though pizza boxes are made of cardboard, they contain grease, which makes them a non-recyclable item.Plastic bags: Plastic bags used for groceries and general shopping; also plastic dry cleaning bags. These items are not accepted for curbside recycling and should be recycled elsewhere or placed in the trash. A common mistake people make is to put recyclable bottles, etc. in plastic bags and then toss it all in the recycling cart. Plastic bags jam the machines at the facility and cause significant delays and problems.Tip: Reuse your plastic bags several times and look for plastic bag recycling containers at the grocery store or big-box retailers. Bring your own cloth or canvas bag for shopping.Plastic bottles: plastic (narrow neck only) containers such as milk jugs, beverage containers, water bottles, detergent containers and shampoo bottles are accepted recyclable and included in Recycle Right - the Simple 5 list. Remove cap or lid, flatten bottle, replace the cap, and place the bottle in the recycling cart.Tip: Consider purchasing 5-gallon water jugs for your home or office and use washable containers instead of plastic water bottles. This will save you money and help the environment.Plastic cups: Plastic cups are not accepted recyclables and should be placed in with your household trash.Tip: Invest in a good water bottle to refill and reuse. Plastic plant pots: These items are not accepted recyclables. Dispose of with your household trash.Tip: donate to a local nursery or garden center for reuse.Plastic plates: Plastic plates are not accepted recyclables and should be placed in the trash bin.Plastic utensils: Plastic utensils, like forks, knives and spoons are not accepted recyclables and should be placed in the trash bin.

Some organizations even reuse plastic medication bottles. Check with local animal shelters, veterinarians, free clinics and homeless shelters. Some charitable organizations will take empty prescription bottles and use them for prescriptions for the less fortunate or even undeveloped countries.

If you have piles of unwound yarn, stacks of empty pill bottles and a knitting habit that is being squandered by tangled yarn, you can organize your loose threads around a pill bottle to make an easy-to-use yarn ball with a center-pull. Follow these instructions from I Always Pick the Thimble to organize your craft clutter and upcycle your unused plastics.

You have several choices of what to do with empty prescription bottles once you have finished or disposed of your medication. While choosing to throw the prescription bottle away is a common choice for many, a better option is often to recycle or find a different use for the container.

Hopefully, this article helped you understand proper expired medication disposal and your options for empty prescription bottles. For more free health tips, resources, and news, subscribe to our weekly newsletter or if you have questions about pharmacy delivery send us an email at

Non-contact empty medical containers should be recycled, if possible. Check the lists of acceptable recyclables provided by your curbside recycling service or local recycling program. Non-recyclable items should be placed in household trash or taken to a landfill. Strike personal information (i.e. patient name and prescription number) from prescription pill bottles before recycling or trashing them.

We have a wide variety of amber medicine bottles available. There are a ton of different sizes for all your liquid pharmaceuticals. Whether you have a small, potent tincture or a surplus of over-the-counter cough syrup, our liquid medicine bottle line can handle it all.

The proper place for disposing of old drugs, I wrote, is Monroe County's EcoPark. (The address is 10 Avion Drive, Gates. Call (585) 753-7600 for hours and information.) I recommended sending empty pill bottles to the Malawi Project, a nonprofit that was shipping them to southern Africa.

Plastic kid-proof bottles are hard to come by in Malawi, where pharmacies and hospitals often end up wrapping medicine in torn pieces of paper. Without safe cases, pills can be easily damaged or eaten by curious kids. Stephens put a call out on Facebook for people to send him their old bottles, hoping to collect 10,000 bottles at the most. Word got around and they were flooded. "I am sitting in a family room with about 50 boxes of them," he said by phone. "We have literally had fabulous results." The charity, which is volunteer-run and owns no facilities, had to start renting storage facilities to house all the pill bottles.

Some medications need to be taken when your stomach is empty because food or drink can affect how they work. Taking medicines on an empty stomach generally means that you should take your pills at least two hours before you eat or two hours after you eat. However, this is only a rough guideline. Be sure to follow the instructions from your pharmacist about exactly when to take your medications. 041b061a72


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