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Young Ninja Group (ages 3-5)


Learn Technical English Faster and Easier with the Workbook and CD

If you are looking for a workbook that can help you improve your technical English skills, you might want to check out the Technical English 2 Workbook With Key. This workbook is designed for students who have completed the Technical English 2 Course Book or who have an intermediate level of technical English. It provides further practice of the language and vocabulary found in the course book, as well as extra listening exercises on a CD. In this article, we will review the main features, benefits, and drawbacks of the Technical English 2 Workbook With Key. We will also give you some tips on how to use it effectively and answer some frequently asked questions about it. ## What is the Technical English 2 Workbook With Key? The Technical English 2 Workbook With Key is a supplementary material for the Technical English 2 Course Book, which is a four-level course for students in technical or vocational education, or for company employees in training at work. The workbook covers the core language and skills that students need to communicate successfully in various technical and industrial specializations, such as engineering, manufacturing, construction, electronics, and IT. The workbook consists of 12 units, each corresponding to a unit in the course book. Each unit has four sections: - Vocabulary: This section reviews and expands the key vocabulary from the course book unit. It includes exercises on word formation, collocations, synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and word families. - Grammar: This section reviews and consolidates the main grammar points from the course book unit. It includes exercises on verb tenses, modal verbs, passive voice, conditionals, reported speech, relative clauses, and prepositions. - Communication: This section focuses on developing the speaking and writing skills needed for effective communication in technical contexts. It includes exercises on describing processes and procedures, giving instructions and directions, making requests and suggestions, reporting problems and solutions, writing emails and reports, and using appropriate style and tone. - Listening: This section provides extra listening practice on topics related to the course book unit. It includes exercises on listening for gist, specific information, detail, and inference. The listening texts are recorded on a CD that comes with the workbook. The workbook also has a key at the back that provides the answers to all the exercises. The key also includes transcripts of the listening texts and some useful notes on vocabulary and grammar. ## What are the benefits of using the Technical English 2 Workbook With Key? The Technical English 2 Workbook With Key has several benefits for learners who want to improve their technical English skills. Some of these benefits are: - It reinforces and extends the language and skills learned in the course book. - It provides a variety of exercises that cater to different learning styles and preferences. - It helps learners develop their accuracy and fluency in technical English. - It exposes learners to authentic and relevant technical texts and situations. - It boosts learners' confidence and motivation by showing their progress and achievements. ## What are the drawbacks of using the Technical English 2 Workbook With Key? The Technical English 2 Workbook With Key is not without its drawbacks. Some of these drawbacks are: - It requires access to the course book and the CD player to use it effectively. - It does not provide feedback or correction on the speaking and writing exercises. - It does not cover all the possible technical topics or vocabulary that learners might encounter in their fields. - It might be too easy or too difficult for some learners depending on their level and background. ## How to use the Technical English 2 Workbook With Key effectively? To get the most out of the Technical English 2 Workbook With Key, here are some tips on how to use it effectively: - Use it regularly and consistently. Try to complete one unit per week or per month depending on your schedule and goals. - Use it together with the course book and the CD. Refer to the course book for more explanations and examples of the language points. Listen to the CD carefully and repeat after the speakers to improve your pronunciation and intonation. - Use it interactively. Don't just write down the answers to the exercises. Try to say them aloud or write them in full sentences. Check your answers with a partner or a teacher if possible. Ask questions if you don't understand something or if you want to learn more. - Use it creatively. Don't limit yourself to the exercises in the workbook. Try to use the vocabulary and grammar you learned in your own contexts and situations. Write your own emails or reports using the models in the workbook. Record yourself describing a process or giving instructions using the language in the workbook. Compare your work with the examples in the workbook or with other sources. ## Frequently Asked Questions Here are some frequently asked questions about the Technical English 2 Workbook With Key: - Who is the author of the workbook? The author of the workbook is Christopher Jacques, who is a teacher and a writer of technical English materials. - What is the level of the workbook? The workbook is suitable for intermediate learners of technical English, or those who have completed the Technical English 2 Course Book or who have a similar level of technical English. - How many pages does the workbook have? The workbook has 96 pages, plus a CD. - Where can I buy the workbook? You can buy the workbook from various online or offline bookstores, such as Amazon, Pearson, or WorldCat . - How much does the workbook cost? The price of the workbook may vary depending on the seller and the region. For example, on Amazon Japan, the workbook costs 2,640 yen (excluding tax) as of June 2023. ## Conclusion The Technical English 2 Workbook With Key is a useful and practical workbook that can help you improve your technical English skills. It provides further practice of the language and vocabulary from the Technical English 2 Course Book, as well as extra listening exercises on a CD. It has several benefits, such as reinforcing and extending the language and skills learned in the course book, providing a variety of exercises that cater to different learning styles and preferences, and exposing learners to authentic and relevant technical texts and situations. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as requiring access to the course book and the CD player to use it effectively, not providing feedback or correction on the speaking and writing exercises, not covering all the possible technical topics or vocabulary that learners might encounter in their fields, and might be too easy or too difficult for some learners depending on their level and background. To use it effectively, you should use it regularly and consistently, use it together with the course book and the CD, use it interactively, and use it creatively. You can also refer to some frequently asked questions about the workbook for more information. We hope this article has given you a clear and comprehensive overview of the Technical English 2 Workbook With Key. If you are interested in buying or using this workbook, you can check out some of the links below. Happy learning!

Technical English 2 Workbook With Key



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