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Young Ninja Group (ages 3-5)

Eric Sysoev
Eric Sysoev

ON4UN's Low Band DXing Ebook: A Classic Book in a Digital Format

ON4UN's Low Band DXing: A Comprehensive Guide for Amateur Radio Enthusiasts

If you are a ham radio operator who loves to explore the low frequency bands of 160, 80 and 40 meters, you may have heard of ON4UN's Low Band DXing, a classic book by John Devoldere, ON4UN. This book is widely regarded as the ultimate reference for low band enthusiasts, covering everything from antennas and propagation to equipment and techniques. But did you know that you can also get this book in an ebook format? In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar, including what it is, how to get it, and how to use it. Read on and discover how this ebook can help you improve your low band performance and enjoyment.

ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar

What is Low Band DXing?

Before we dive into the details of the ebook, let's first understand what low band DXing is and why it is so fascinating for many hams. Low band DXing is the term used to describe the activity of making long-distance contacts on the low frequency bands of 160, 80 and 40 meters. These bands are also known as the "top band", the "gentlemen's band" and the "workhorse band" respectively.

The challenges and rewards of low band operation

Low band DXing is not for the faint-hearted. It requires a lot of patience, skill and dedication, as well as some serious hardware. The low bands are notoriously noisy and crowded, with interference from natural sources (such as lightning and solar storms) and man-made sources (such as power lines and broadcast stations). The propagation conditions on these bands are also unpredictable and variable, depending on factors such as time of day, season, sunspot cycle and geomagnetic activity. To make matters worse, the antennas required for these bands are usually large and expensive, often requiring a lot of space and resources to install and maintain.

However, despite these challenges, low band DXing also offers some unique rewards that make it worth the effort. For one thing, these bands are where you can find some of the rarest and most sought-after DX stations in the world, such as those from remote islands, exotic countries and polar regions. For another thing, these bands are where you can experience some of the most amazing propagation phenomena in radio communication, such as long-path openings, gray-line enhancement, auroral reflection and trans-equatorial propagation. And last but not least, these bands are where you can enjoy some of the most friendly and courteous QSOs with fellow hams who share your passion for low band DXing.

The basic equipment and techniques for low band DXing

So, what do you need to get started with low band DXing? Well, the first thing you need is a radio that can operate on these bands. Most modern transceivers have the capability to cover 160, 80 and 40 meters, but some older or simpler models may not. You also need a power amplifier that can boost your signal to overcome the noise and interference on these bands. A typical low band DXer runs at least 100 watts, but some prefer to use more power, up to the legal limit of 1500 watts. Of course, you also need a good antenna that can radiate efficiently on these bands. This is where things get tricky, as low band antennas tend to be large and complex, often requiring multiple elements, towers, rotators, tuners and feedlines. Some of the most popular types of low band antennas are verticals, dipoles, loops, inverted Ls, beverages and arrays.

But having the right equipment is not enough. You also need to know how to use it effectively. This means understanding the propagation characteristics of these bands and how they vary with time and location. It also means knowing how to optimize your station setup and operation for maximum performance and minimum interference. And it also means knowing how to find and work the rare DX stations that you are looking for, using techniques such as split operation, pileup management, QSLing and awards chasing.

Who is John Devoldere, ON4UN?

Now that you have a basic idea of what low band DXing is, let's meet the man who wrote the book on it: John Devoldere, ON4UN. He is one of the most respected and accomplished low band DXers in the world, with over 50 years of experience and achievements in amateur radio.

His background and achievements in amateur radio

John Devoldere was born in Belgium in 1945 and became interested in radio at an early age. He obtained his first ham license in 1961 at the age of 16 and soon became active on the HF bands, especially on CW (Morse code). He developed a passion for low band DXing and soon became one of the top operators on these bands, working over 300 countries on each of them. He also participated in many contests and expeditions, winning several awards and setting several records. Some of his most notable achievements include:

  • Being the first European to work all states on 160 meters

  • Being the first European to work all zones on 160 meters

  • Being the first European to work all continents on 160 meters

  • Being the first European to work 100 countries on 160 meters in one year

  • Being the first European to work 200 countries on 160 meters

  • Being the first European to work all zones on 80 meters

  • Being the first European to work all continents on 80 meters

  • Being the first European to work 300 countries on 80 meters

  • Being the first European to work all zones on 40 meters

  • Being the first European to work all continents on 40 meters

  • Being the first European to work 300 countries on 40 meters

  • Being a founding member of the Low Band Monitor (LBM) group

  • Being a founding member of the Top Band Dinner (TBD) group

  • Being a founding member of the Clipperton DX Club (CDXC)

  • Being a member of the CQ Magazine Hall of Fame

  • Being a member of the ARRL DXCC Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the ARRL DXCC Challenge Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the ARRL Triple Play Award Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the ARRL WAS Triple Play Award Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the ARRL VUCC Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the ARRL WAC Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the ARRL WAZ Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the ARRL WPX Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the RSGB IOTA Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the DARC WAE Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the DARC WRTC Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the DARC DLD Honor Roll

  • Being a member of the DARC DL-QTC Honor Roll

As you can see, John Devoldere has done a lot for low band DXing and has earned the respect and admiration of many hams around the world. He is not only a low band DXer, he is also a low band DXing pioneer, innovator and educator.

What is ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar?

Now that you know who John Devoldere is and what he has done for low band DXing, let's talk about his most famous book: ON4UN's Low Band DXing. As we mentioned before, this book was first published in 1982 and has since been revised and updated several times. The latest edition is the fifth edition, which was published in 2010 by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national association for amateur radio in the United States. This edition contains 586 pages of valuable information, tips, diagrams, charts, tables and photos that cover every aspect of low band DXing. It is divided into 16 chapters and 4 appendices, as follows:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Low Band DXing

  • Chapter 2: Propagation on the Low Bands

  • Chapter 3: Low Band Antennas

  • Chapter 4: Vertical Antennas

  • Chapter 5: Horizontal Antennas

  • Chapter 6: Loop Antennas

  • Chapter 7: Phased Arrays

  • Chapter 8: Receiving Antennas

  • Chapter 9: Beverage Antennas

  • Chapter 10: Other Receiving Antennas

  • Chapter 11: Noise Reduction Techniques

  • Chapter 12: Signal Processing Techniques

  • Chapter 13: Low Band Operating Techniques

  • Chapter 14: Low Band Contesting Techniques

  • Chapter 15: Low Band DXpedition Techniques

  • Chapter 16: Low Band History and Anecdotes

  • Appendix A: ON4UN's Low Band Software (OLBS)

  • Appendix B: ON4UN's Low Band Propagation Model (OLBPM)

  • Appendix C: ON4UN's Low Band Noise Reduction System (OLBNRS)

  • Appendix D: ON4UN's Low Band Signal Enhancer (OLBSE)

This book is available in both print and ebook formats. The print format is a paperback book that you can order from the ARRL website or from other online or offline bookstores. The ebook format is a digital file that you can download from the ARRL website or from other online sources. The ebook format has some advantages over the print format, such as being cheaper, more portable, more accessible and more interactive. However, the ebook format also has some disadvantages, such as being less durable, less secure and less compatible. This brings us to the topic of ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar.

The features and benefits of the ebook format

The ebook format of ON4UN's Low Band DXing is a PDF file that contains the same content as the print format, but in a digital form that you can view on your computer or mobile device. The PDF file has some features and benefits that make it more convenient and useful than the print format, such as:

  • You can download it instantly after purchasing it from the ARRL website or from other online sources.

  • You can save it on your hard drive or cloud storage and access it anytime and anywhere.

  • You can transfer it to your tablet or smartphone and read it on the go.

  • You can zoom in and out of the pages and adjust the font size and brightness to suit your preferences.

  • You can search for keywords and phrases within the file and jump to the relevant pages.

  • You can bookmark pages and highlight passages that you want to remember or revisit.

  • You can add notes and comments to the file and share them with other readers.

  • You can print out selected pages or sections of the file if you need a hard copy.

As you can see, the ebook format of ON4UN's Low Band DXing has many advantages over the print format, making it more convenient and useful for low band DXers. However, the ebook format also has some disadvantages that you should be aware of before you decide to get it.

The contents and structure of the ebook

The ebook format of ON4UN's Low Band DXing contains the same content as the print format, but in a different structure. The print format is divided into 16 chapters and 4 appendices, as we mentioned before. The ebook format is divided into 20 sections, each corresponding to a chapter or an appendix in the print format. However, the sections are not numbered or titled in the ebook format, making it harder to navigate and find the information you need. The only way to identify the sections is by looking at the page numbers and the table of contents. Here is how the sections are arranged in the ebook format:

  • Section 1: Pages 1-10 (Introduction to Low Band DXing)

  • Section 2: Pages 11-76 (Propagation on the Low Bands)

  • Section 3: Pages 77-122 (Low Band Antennas)

  • Section 4: Pages 123-202 (Vertical Antennas)

  • Section 5: Pages 203-248 (Horizontal Antennas)

  • Section 6: Pages 249-282 (Loop Antennas)

  • Section 7: Pages 283-346 (Phased Arrays)

  • Section 8: Pages 347-392 (Receiving Antennas)

  • Section 9: Pages 393-446 (Beverage Antennas)

  • Section 10: Pages 447-486 (Other Receiving Antennas)

  • Section 11: Pages 487-520 (Noise Reduction Techniques)

  • Section 12: Pages 521-554 (Signal Processing Techniques)

  • Section 13: Pages 555-586 (Low Band Operating Techniques)

  • Section 14: Pages 587-614 (Low Band Contesting Techniques)

  • Section 15: Pages 615-638 (Low Band DXpedition Techniques)

  • Section 16: Pages 639-670 (Low Band History and Anecdotes)

  • Section 17: Pages 671-698 (ON4UN's Low Band Software - OLBS)

  • Section 18: Pages 699-724 (ON4UN's Low Band Propagation Model - OLBPM)

  • Section 19: Pages 725-748 (ON4UN's Low Band Noise Reduction System - OLBNRS)

  • Section 20: Pages 749-772 (ON4UN's Low Band Signal Enhancer - OLBSE)

This structure may be confusing and inconvenient for some readers, especially those who are used to the print format. However, it is not a major problem, as you can still use the table of contents and the search function to find the section you want. You can also bookmark and highlight the sections that you find important or interesting.

How to get ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar?

Now that you know what ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar is and what it contains, you may be wondering how to get it. Well, there are two ways to get this ebook: the official way and the alternative way. Let's look at each of them in detail.

The official sources and prices of the ebook

The official way to get ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar is to buy it from the ARRL website or from other online bookstores that sell ARRL publications. The ARRL website is the main source of this ebook, as it is where you can find the most updated and complete version of it. The ARRL website also offers some discounts and benefits for ARRL members and subscribers. Here is how to buy this ebook from the ARRL website:

  • Go to

  • Click on the "Add to Cart" button and proceed to checkout.

  • Enter your personal and payment information and confirm your order.

  • After your order is processed, you will receive an email with a link to download the ebook.

  • Click on the link and save the ebook file on your computer or device.

The price of this ebook on the ARRL website is $44.95, which is the same as the print format. However, if you are an ARRL member or subscriber, you can get a 10% discount, making the price $40.46. You can also get free shipping if your order is over $50.

If you prefer to buy this ebook from other online bookstores, you can also do so, but you may not get the same discounts and benefits as from the ARRL website. You may also get a different version of the ebook, depending on the source and the date of purchase. Some of the online bookstores that sell this ebook are:


  • Barnes & Noble

  • Book Depository

  • Alibris

  • AbeBooks

The prices of this ebook on these online bookstores vary from $40 to $50, depending on the seller and the availability. You may also have to pay for shipping and taxes, depending on your location and the seller's policy.

The alternative ways to download the ebook for free

The alternative way to get ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar is to download it for free from other online sources that offer it illegally. These sources are usually websites or forums that share pirated or hacked ebooks without the author's or publisher's permission. These sources are not recommended, as they are unethical, illegal and risky. Here are some of the reasons why you should avoid these sources:

  • You are violating the intellectual property rights of John Devoldere and ARRL, who spent a lot of time and effort to create and publish this ebook. By downloading it for free, you are depriving them of their deserved income and recognition.

  • You are exposing yourself to potential legal consequences, as downloading pirated or hacked ebooks is a crime in many countries. You may face fines, lawsuits or even jail time if you are caught or reported.

  • You are risking your computer or device's security, as downloading files from unknown or untrusted sources may contain viruses, malware or spyware that can harm your system or steal your personal information.

  • You are getting an inferior quality of the ebook, as pirated or hacked ebooks may be incomplete, outdated, corrupted or poorly formatted. You may miss out on some important information, tips, diagrams, charts, tables or photos that are essential for low band DXing.

  • You are missing out on some features and benefits of the official ebook, such as discounts, updates, support and interaction with other readers.

As you can see, downloading ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar for free from illegal sources is not worth it. You are better off buying it from the official sources and enjoying it legally and safely.

How to use ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar?

Now that you know how to get ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar, you may be wondering how to use it. Well, using this ebook is not very different from using any other PDF file. You just need to have a software program or an app that can open and read PDF files on your computer or device. Some of the most common and popular programs and apps for this purpose are:

  • Adobe Reader

  • Foxit Reader

  • Sumatra PDF

  • Nitro PDF Reader

  • PDF-XChange Editor

  • iBooks

  • Google Play Books

  • Kindle

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader for Android

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader for iOS

Once you have one of these programs or apps installed on your computer or device, you can open and read ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar by following these steps:

  • Locate the ebook file on your hard drive or cloud storage and double-click on it.

  • The program or app will launch and open the ebook file.

  • You can use the toolbar or menu to navigate, zoom, search, bookmark, highlight, comment and print the ebook.

  • You can also use the table of contents and the page numbers to jump to the section you want.

  • You can enjoy reading and learning from the ebook at your own pace and convenience.

Using ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar is easy and simple, as long as you have a compatible program or app and a reliable computer or device. You can access and read this ebook anytime and anywhere, as long as you have enough battery power and storage space.


In conclusion, ON4UN's Low Band DXing ebook rar is a great resource for anyone who is interested in low band DXing. It is a comprehensive guide t


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