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Eric Sysoev
Eric Sysoev

Durham Nc Buy Here Pay Here Car Lots EXCLUSIVE

Sauls Motor Company, located in Smithfield near Raleigh and Durham, offers guaranteed financing through our Buy Here Pay Here program. The vehicles below qualify for our buy here pay here program, with low down payments regaurdless of you past credit history. At Sauls, we like to say "Credit is Hard, Sauls is Easy!" and we mean it. There's No Credit Needed. Our Buy Here Pay Here program is a new way to own for less. Check it out and you'll see that why people choose Sauls Motor Company!

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They can even help people who have had a bankruptcy, repossession, missed payments, foreclosure, or charge off. People who visit the above no credit check car lots in Durham, NC will even have payment options that are less than $200 per month.How much credit do you need to have for approval?Buy Here Pay Here No Credit Check Durham NC car dealers offer a large selection of new & used vehicles for sale in Durham NC and all the cars are sold even with bad credit. Buy here pay here car deals without credit checks are available to help consumers who have been turned down by other dealers. They will provide you with the best used cars for sale, trucks, vans & SUVs that can be financed even if you have bad credit.Check Out other BHPH no credit check car dealers in North Carolina:

Monthly parking is available at select lots and garages within downtown Durham for both commuters and downtown residents. For rate information, please see the table below. For availability and general inquiries, please contact ParkDurham here.

Special Event parking rates are in effect anytime there is an event at a downtown venue or during any other major downtown event. The event rate at all downtown parking garages is $7.

The finance co repossesed the car and sold it. I just got a letter in the mail saying i owe the deficiency of $7634.67 due in full within 10 days. there is no way I can pay that... I couldn't afford the car I surely can't afford to pay this. what do I expect???

I am considering allowing my car to be repossessed due to ridiculously high payments from being upside down. There will surely be more owed after they auction it, if I go this route. If they send a bill for the remainder, which I cannot pay, is it effective to request that they write it off and send the 1099-C. If they are aggressive and sue, what does that look like? I don't have a lot of other debt to warrant a bankruptcy, and as a single mom of 3, I have no expendable income to even send payments.

Are you are asking about the finance company installing a GPS to locate a car for repo when behind on payments? If so there may be notice provided for in the contract for a GPS and it may even be a violation of the contract for the owner to remove the GPS. If there is no provision in the contract for a GPS there certainly is an argument that any GPS device is an invasion of privacy. This is a relatively new area of the law and I am not aware of any NC cases on point for this scenario.

Can the repo man attach his own gps tracker to a vehicle say after it pings in the LPR system? Say he's riding through a parking lot and LPR picks up on an order for a vehicle but, he can't get to it where it's at or something, can he attach a little portable tracker to the car legally to find it later?

You can certainly refuse to allow a car repo if there is no Court Order. That being said they can take it if you do not protest. They can take it from your driveway in the middle of the night. Although they can't "break" into your garage, some do anyway. They can also follow you to work or the grocery store and repo your vehicle from the parking lot. It is hard to hide from the repo man forever.

A Court Order is usually not required for a peaceful repossession. General rule is if you are in default the lender can attempt a repossession. That being said there should be no duty to cooperate or hand them the keys. If they took the vehicle you need to call the lender or hire an attorney ASAP.

I am in the process of claiming bankruptcy, and plan on keeping my vehicle. I am behind in my payments, and the finance company knows this. However they have sent the dogs out to get my car. Is there anything that I can do to get the repo men called off?

Are you looking to file Chapter 13 and catch up your payments inside the bankruptcy? A Chapter 7 does not provide for curing what you are behind on the vehicle. In the meantime there is not much you can do to keep them from looking for the car before you have actually filed.

Did you have a contract with the other party regarding default or just an "understanding" that they would pay? You should be able to sue the other person regardless, but my guess is they have no money based upon the fact they failed to make car payments. Getting a judgment often does not mean getting paid. That is why the lender just wrote it off their taxes and sent you a 1099 rather than sue both of you. If you did decide to sue your former friend would need to contact a collection attorney. In the future NEVER cosign for ANYONE under ANY circumstances. If you are interested in suing the lender you should have an attorney review the contract as there may be a binding arbitration clause provision prohibiting you from suing them in State Court.

I have a question. My truck was repossessed this morning from a buddy's auto body shop in North Carolina. The towing company showed up to drop a car off to be worked on and saw my truck. They confronted the guy that worked there and said the vin number matched a truck that was up for repo. He said the payments were 9 months behind ( which is wrong because I have been paying it and have bank statements proving that I have. Also received a phone call 2 days ago stating that my balance was right on track and even offered me another vehicle if i wanted one ) he did not show the guy any paperwork stating the truck was up for repo. Just told him it was up for repo, gave him a card, and hooked the truck up and left. My friend called me to tell me about it so I drove over there and they wouldn't answer the door, I called multiple times and they won't answer or return a call. I walked around back and saw my truck, they have the wheels and tires off of the truck and have it sitting on blocks. What legal action can I take towards the place that wrongfully repossessed my truck?

It would be in the contract unless some State law overrides the contract provisions. That being said most contracts allow for immediate repossession if you are in default. Many major finance companies wait 90 days before repossession and even call or send letters first as repossession is generally not want they want. Some smaller buy here/pay here places want you to fall behind so they can repo the car and sell again. Many of these places sell the same car 5 times over pocketing the down payment and inflated payments each time.

Some buy here pay here wants you to get behind. This happened to me. 1 month late..and only 5 months until payoff date. Got my car repossessed and they sold it for what i bought it for 2 years earlier pocketing the same money over and over.

Is there a reasonable time limit or amount that can be charged. Does the repo company have an infinate obligation to care, store, handle, and insure someones personal items. I can find no law that states a fee can't be charged. Doesnt the tower have expenses for opening the vehicle to handle, inventory, care and process personal items

I spoke with customer service today and they informed me that my account was 87 days pass due and I asked what can I do & they informed me of how much I would have to pay , which included the past due...the repo fee and he also stated that I would have to pay the storage fee of $150.I asked if he could he tell me like how far the car was BC after I pay the past due and everything I want to go pick up my car he said that he don't have that info ...most likely would my car be taking a long way??? I don't want to pay the past due then have to drive all the way to another state to pick it up in that case I feel like they can just keep the car.Is there anyway I could find out how far away my car is??

You would need to check the contract as to any "grace period" after default. If there is no grace period then repo is usually allowed immediately upon default.To my knowledge North Carolina does not have any laws putting a cap on the maximum monthly payment for used cars.

I live in NC I bought a car from a local car dealer that finance the remanding balance for me. The first payment I paid on time and pay $40 more than what I was suppose to they never deposited the check 10 days later. The second payment I was on vacation and forgot to pay the payment before I left so I mailed it late and talked with them and told them I was gonna send it and I was sorry it was late. They never deposited the check til 10 days after they received it. I had some unexpected things come out of my account as we all do and there wasn't enough to cover it. Instead of calling me they reposed the car the next day and it wasn't 30 days past due never called me to let me to give me the chance to make the payment right. There was never a contract signed so I don't know what their legal acts were on the account. Then they made me pay the note in full to get the car back is there anything that I can do against this company?

I recently had my car repossessed on Monday. I paid my car note on the 14th of this month which brought my payments current and up to date. I was thrown off when there was a recovery company outside of my workplace with my vehicle on the tow truck. I asked if I could help them and he informed me that he was sent by the finance company to gain possession of the vehicle. I asked if I could get my pocket book out of the vehicle and he said if I gave him the keys I could get it. I retrieved the keys and brought them to the guy and he refused to give me my pocket book. Told the driver of the truck to pull off. While this was going on I attempted to contact the finance company to gain clarity because I knew my payments were current and I wasn't behind. During the whole ordeal of trying to get my purse I ended up with a broken meniscus. What are my rights 041b061a72


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