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Novice Karate Group (ages 8 & up)


Eric Sysoev
Eric Sysoev

DOA: Dead Or Alive

The contest plays out, with multiple contestants fighting and being defeated (including Gen Fu, Bayman, Leon, and Zack), until only Kasumi, Christie, Hayabusa and Tina are left, with Helena being defeated by Christie. During her fight, Christie sees that the key to finding and unlocking the vault is a tattoo on the back of Helena's neck. Meanwhile, Kasumi begins to suspect Donovan of lying about her brother being killed in the previous tournament, and Hayabusa, infiltrating the main facility to find the truth, is captured. She is more than once confronted and nearly killed by Ayane, who Kasumi tries to convince that Hayate is alive (since it is eventually clear that Ayane loves Hayate). Also, Weatherby begins to fall for Helena, and in the end tells her about what he knows of the mystery project, and that before Helena's father could shut the project down, he died (indicating that he was murdered).

DOA: Dead or Alive


On the final day of the tournament, wondering where Hayabusa is, Kasumi, Christie and Tina look for him and discover a secret entrance to the main complex, where they find Hayabusa unconscious. They are then gassed and captured. Meanwhile, Helena resolves to stop the mystery project, and has to fight the armed staff of the island, sent to kill her and Weatherby by Donovan. They are followed inside by Max, who finds his way to the vault, and is then knocked out by Bayman, who is working for Donovan. Inside the main complex, Donovan shows the four semifinalists the project he has been developing; an advanced form of neural interface that allows him and others to use the fighters' combined skills to become the ultimate fighter. After 'downloading' the data into the device (shaped like a pair of sunglasses), he reveals that he kept Hayate alive and in peak condition to test the technology. He challenges Hayate to fight and win, if the others are to survive. Hayate accepts and is defeated, then thrown through a wall to die. Hayate is saved by Ayane, and the two of them apparently accept each other.

Matt: And just why is Kasumi so mad, as she and Hyabusa (her brother's best friend, because he says, "As your brother's best friend...") inelegantly state? She doesn't believe her brother is really dead, and wants to see proof for herself. Before she can leave, though, a bunch of guards form a ring so she and Ayane can fight. Kasumi says no thanks, though, and throws her sword at a wall, runs on the backs of a bunch of guards, jumps over the wall and then...maybe you should explain what happens next, Chris.

Chris: Everyone lands, but there's an additional challenge: They have to get to the main compound by sundown or else they're disqualified. So, after a brief bit of trash-talking, our three main ladies decide to team up and toss each other around like cheerleaders in order to make the deadline. And now... it's Eric Roberts time. 041b061a72


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