To Have And To Master By Sparrow Beckett
Konstantin Romanov is a powerful Master with a wild past. When you arrive from Russia as his virgin bride, he'll introduce you to wicked pleasures you've never dreamed of. But when Konstantin's dark past catches up with him, will you be his to have and to master?
To Have and to Master by Sparrow Beckett
Q. You did not particularly observe her to speak to her - A. No. They went away; I went down as usual to get the candlestick for my young master, dinner was getting ready, it was almost immediately after they went I found the cupboard door locked, it was never locked before since I have been with my mistress, I immediately went up to my mistress and asked for the key of the cupboard, she told me she had not locked the door, and she immediately sent for a smith, the smith came and opened the door, on opening the door, I found the silver tea-pot was gone, a snuffer stand, and extinguisher.
JONAS FRANCIS . I am an apprentice to Mr. Pontifex, Shoe-lane. From information I watched Joseph Gater, he was in the passage, I saw one of the rivets stick out of his bosom, I said, Joe, what have you been at; I told my fellow apprentice to call master; he said, oh God, pray do not; master came to him; and sent for the constable; the constable came; Joseph Gater throwed the rivets out of his bosom, the constable weighed them. The rivets belonged to our factory.
Q. How lately had you seen that piece of cambric yourself that you missed - A. I had shewed it her at the time I was shewing her the cambric. I am perfectly clear that I had that piece of cambric. The boy went after her, and I have seen the cambric since at the pawnbroker's. I knew it to be my master's; this was on the 8th of June; my master was in the city at the time. When he returned I informed him of it. I am sure as to the person of the prisoner. 041b061a72