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whiplashmoviedownload.in is a restful api and restful api works in server side as well. the main aim is to access the whiplashmoviedownload api from web application to work with the website. you may also authenticate the user to work with the api.
there are two things you can take from this: you should avoid using such content distribution systems. just my opinion. im not saying this because i dislike them. i just think they are not good in and of themselves. your blog posts should be helping the reader and being published on your site is always the best way to do that. marketing tip #2 of the week.
when you choose a paid subscription service, make sure you choose one that has strong branding and visual appeal. this isnt just for the sake of aesthetics, but also because readers are much more likely to come back to a clean and cleanly branded site. google will see this and have greater faith in you. marketing tip #3 of the week.
it is a little humorous, but it can be helpful when search engines notice how many people talk about your website. google even has a nifty little widget that can be added to your site to help them give you a rating for the importance of your site. in my opinion, it is rather presumptuous to put such a thing on your website, but it can be useful for marketing and brand building. here is a google link to their rating page.
many people confuse it with a webmaster tool that is similar to googles own site analysis service. while there is some overlap, there is a difference. with a site analysis tool, you can log into your google account and enter your website url in order to see what the googlebot is seeing. for example, if you have a blog, you can see the search terms that people are using to find you. the difference is that the googlebot is a search engine and it doesnt see content the way a normal user might. therefore, its not something you want to check regularly.